@ Home on the Headland After Checking......

...Out Cap' Jack Sparras Whale Bones (see extra).

We had to wazz up the coast today when a friend told me that they had plonked some HUGE Whale bones at our favorite spot for Captain Jack Sparrow to investigate......tomorrow we would not of been able to of see them as they are closing off the whole headland to shoot the film...bloody cheek I reckon......especially as there was no sign of Mr Depp....sigh!

We sneaked down the hill.....some bloke said 'Hey you cant go down there' I said 'my grandson is down there and I'm going' as I hobbled down using my tripod as a walking stick (really gotta consider getting a bit more fit).

Anyhoo......after tottering about the rocks ( I used to be a rock hopper) I managed to get pretty close to get some decent shots...it really was quite fabulous ....but again how could I go past this one of that little man... he is so at home in the landscape....its something like a love affair...the land seems to embrace him and he is just so comfortable amongst it all.

“You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.”
Max Ehrmann

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