With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


the ladybird hung on to Little Agu for over an hour until our friend was released to the wilds. He had ridiculously long front legs. I must look up to see exactly who he or she was.

This morning I managed to get sleepy boys to school, wrote the last bit of my offering for the writers' group and got Mrs P up and attem. There was a rich and varied collection of stories and a wonderful poem by Geoff. Really stunning. Hannah's (the host) garden backs onto the train station, so readings were interspersed by hoots, grinding machines and trundling, along with the ever present rutting frogs in her pond. We were just in time for a stroll down to the plaza to get the boys whilst chatting with Eva and Anthony.

The afternoon stretched into the evening, various trips off here and there, but a basic core of cooking, eating, swimming and tennis watching. Lucky us. Mrs P has not stopped talking, but she has receptive ears around her.

Otherwise, biscuits were dispatched to the bank and the police for returning my driving licence and the results of my saying Yes are rolling in. Oh so many ideas. I hope I can keep a grip of them.

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