Can yer ride tandem?

It was my turn to volunteer at open church today, and what an interesting day we had. First off, we had a class of local school children in to view the church. Some of the children have never been inside, even although they all live locally. After they had left, we had a couple come in on a tandem ( see above) They are from Llantwit Major, and said that they pass the church most weeks, but have never called in. Kevin offered them his famous tour ,up to the church tower. They were thrilled at the chance, and I had to "mind" their bike while they went up. I could hear them ring the bells, and felt quite jealous. When they came down, we had a good chat  with them. They have had the bike about 21 years, and have done about    75,000 miles on it. They have been camping  all over Europe . He is 78 years old, and said that if he doesn't cycle for a few days, he feels as if his body is falling apart, and  when he gets on back on the bike, he feels fine. They were such a lovely couple, and so thrilled with their visit to Nolton Church today. As we saying our goodbyes to them, a lady and her son, who live in Cyprus, called in. They are over for a short visit, for her son to take his GCSE's. Kevin again did his tour of the tower, while I minded  their bags. They rang the bells as well.  While they were up there, Larry came in. It wasn't far off the time that we finish, but I made him a cuppa, and he ate about half a packet of biscuits, and went happily on his way. Kevin said, it was the best morning he has had at open church. I enjoyed it very much as well.  See my extra photos. 

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