Our Little Lodger

Our lodgers in Bird Box Lodge are preparing to flit. It will probably not be a midnight flit though, possibly early tomorrow morning. Watch this space!
I will be keeping an eye out for corvids, especially those bloody magpies! I would happily take a shotgun to those murderous feathered thugs! Not P.C., I know but these spawn of satan decimated last years brood in front of our eyes!
Quite a busy day - Andrew returned yesterday from Barcelona so there was a whole heap of washing done last night and hung out to dry. Today, while Andrew and Jill stole borrowed the car to visit Blair Drummond Safari Park, there was a whole heap of ironing to do.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, there was (as always) stuff to be done. I repainted the little back door loo while Maggie pottered worked in the garden.
Dog walked, dinner eaten, tea drunk and blip done all while watching for those black and white monsters! (Am I getting obsessive?)
Time to settle down in front of the box/laptop with a book/magazine.
I do suspect that the weekend is yet again imminent so have a good one wherever you may be in Blipland.

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