Hosta la Vista!

What a day - weather wise!
Some very heavy showers put paid to any hopes of finishing the "Berlin" fence!
We had the sad duty of attending a neighbour's funeral this morning. Mid-afternoon we were asked to look after Euan for a bit. He was a little grumpy, possibly still the after-effects of his jabs or even the start of teething.
Took the opportunity between showers to look round the garden and was taken by the rain settled on the hosta leaves. Mag is a fan of hostas and we have several different types dotted around. Although noted as plants for damp, shady corners, ours seem perfectly happy in the open and full sun (when we get any). Our numerous slugs seem to leave the hostas alone - perhaps they can't decide which to go for.
The sun is just coming through so I had better go quickly and take Rona for a walk!

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