
First of all: FILM cannot be recommended highly enough. All visual-nice and a veritable masterpiece of focus and lighting. If you thought some of the scenes in Children of Men were on the impressively long side then you'll like the one in the middle of this. In terms of content it's more sympathetic to the cause/opinion/action of the incarceratees rather than the incarcerators in that it only depicts brutality on the behalf of the government (and plays a couple of clips of Thatcher's sickening voice) but raises the point if only by implication that both sides had some valid points to their arguments but chose entirely the wrong means of expressing them, much as any participant in any war. One particular point made during the central debate (giving life for cause and comrades in fighty-army same principle whether blown up or self-starved to death*) just made me think that it's the facelessness of membership of any large accumulation of people (be it a government or a government-run army or an army-by-name or the fuzz or prison service or a bunch of three or more drunk people on a Friday night) which allows people to stop acting like people to other people and start acting like utter bastards.

*It's a strange situation when the person prepared to die for a cause and the person likewise prepared to kill are the same person.


There was a half-eaten discarded sandwich sitting on top of one of those random street-furniture box-things on Fountainbridge which I dutifully recorded in the hope of getting it to be an appropriate vaguely subject-related image but it didn't work. I went past where I though it would have been in case I could get it again but in the dark after the film and was surprised to see it in exactly the same place; unfortunately someone chose to use the box-thing to lean on whilst they conversed upon a portable telephone whilst I was waiting to cross the road and blocked both the light and the shot.

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