
When I left for my weekend away, I left two guys cutting down dead trees and broken branches. These are just a few of the logs we have for the wood burner. There are more down the back of the garden. I think we have winter fuel for a few years to come.
We also have two huge fires which need lighting. Once they have been lit there will be so much space. I now need to think about what I want to do with all the spare space.
I do want a log cabin put up, how big I'm not sure. I also want to replace the dead trees we have had to cut down. I want it to be low maintenance too. I guess I'll have to start looking on the Internet for some ideas.
I'm meant to be going swimming training tonight but I'm so tired. I know I'll regret it if I don't go. Unfortunately I don't get back until 23.00 and I'm tired already. Maybe I should have a little nap and then decide.

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