Grinning and Bearing It!

Race Day
First of all the excuses- in the wrong time zone, brought the wrong shoes, didn’t sleep enough, that beer (carbo-loading?) last night was stronger than I’m used too, my calf feels tight, my hamstring feels tight, I’ve a sore foot, a twinge in my neck, no idea if there are hills, I forgot the sun cream, wrong shirt, wrong socks, I’ve put on weight, only a week since the last half marathon, no porridge and maple syrup for breakfast, where did those hills come from? - it looked flat on the map, too hot, no cooling breeze, I had to get up too early, I’m too old, that signpost says it’s in a tsunami danger zone, why is everyone else at least a decade younger and much slimmer…… and any way I’m on holiday supposed to be taking it easy
This morning running in the hot but in every other way supercool Edge to Edge Half Marathon in Uceuelet, Vancouver Island. They had sun and rain forest and ocean views and flowy trail, and the cheeriest water stations on the planet, down hills and up hills and a track start, and the turnaround was at “Lost Shoe Campsite”, at the top of the biggest hill was a cemetery, they have highest density of coffee shops I’ve ever seen, a beautiful grandstand waterfront finish and a lovely arty techy top for finishers and a table of fresh fruit and bagels and chocolate milk for finishers. If you’re ever in the neighbourhood second weekend in June the Edge to Edge is just the loveliest half marathon you could do, even if it’s little toughie. You have to put aside the excuses some days and just grin.
Took a boat out between the islands this evening to go bear spotting, saw bears (surprisingly), bald eagles, an osprey, and seals.

Grinning and Bearing It! – The Life of an International Athlete….

See extras for super cute cubby and half marathon man - you'll know which is which

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