
Wom has been a bit of a gurumy (worse than grumpy) boy today. He has cried at the drop of a hat and some things, then at other things has been fine. I think we are probably in the throws of a pretty big development leap as I can see him doing things that last week perplexed him. Just love his bottom lip action in tonights blip

Crap night, between the two of them I was out of bed six times!
Lee not 100% so was trying to do it quietly so as not to wake him, but...

Daddy went off shooting to see if that made him feel better? Wom went back to bed, Munchie and I played and Grandma came round to play too. Couldn't be bothered with cookign lunch so headed to the Nugget shop for a treat. Muchie devoured her cheeseburger!

Went to the Winter Gardens this afternoon on Munchie's request. Coversation went along the lines of I want to go to the park that has no swings, but there are two ducks in the path and there is music and a man on a bicycle who sells icecreams! pretty accuarate description me thinks

home, played, much stripped off just before going up to bath and ran around in the padlding pool like a muppet.

Both asleep, don't think Lee and I will be far behind them

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