LIght on Maude
Rained heavily overnight but the morning temperature was 6 C and nothing happened in the snow department. The Snow department becomes the main centre of conversation about this time of the year as our town shakes itself awake and prepares for the invasion of "Snow Bunnies" The Boss does not Ski and for that matter neither do I although I wouldn't mind a go in the snow. However this is when the locals brace themselves for the influx of skiers, most good to have but a small proportion bent on drinking themselves stupid and behaving badly. From here on we will enjoy broken trees, smashed letterboxes, car smashes and a very busy Medical Centre. Of course it is good for the local economy, many of who depend on a "good" ski season for survival but when I see a sorry looking group of sloopy dressed individuals trying to thumb rides to the local fields every morning I can't help wondering if they spent less on booze they could afford transport. Who ever invented alcohol should be sued by the whole world for the damage it produces and as a dog I just don't get it. I just love a great run but I don't have to get brain smashed afterwards to say I had a great time BUT then again I am only a dog, so what do I know?
(End of rant)
Oh yes the pic.. The sun did come out and The Boss was there and the tripod came out and the camera went ClicClicClick.
(The Boss brackets his exposures sometimes)
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