Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

A Walk in The Park

Oh Joy it's Saturday and The Bosses is out with us. Great weather again and she had us completely confused when off we went on a different route but it was cleverly designed to keep her feet dry. Clever things these Bossess's .

Oh I see everyone liked "Light on Maud" and heaps of thanks and BIG BARKS to all of you for your always generous support.

Last week there were celebrations and a ceremonial plaque erected in the park at the end of this tree lined path. This is Wanaka Station Park home of the original station homestead and we all owe a lot to those early pioneers who loved trees and planted them so we could get great shots with cameras that they could never have imagined. Just think how blipping would be, waiting 2 weeks for your slides to came back from Australia..... NO don't bother the Interwebby thing wasn't invented either.
She still has that great hat.

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