
By Madchickenwoman

Wot no Veg?!

Sorry not to have replied to your very kind and thoughtful comments on my meltdown yesterday - your support was just what I needed - thank you x Friend is back home and so much better! 

Yes this is my allotment plot!!! I am growing Poppies, Daisies, Foxgloves and  rather a lot of grass! But to the right you can see the fruit bushes and I do have a cage further over with Blueberries, Gooseberries, Redcurrants and Blackcurrants growing!!! Plus strawberries and raspberries,so a lot of fruit and spuds and masses of flowers!! But I have a load of Sweetcorn and Squashes, Cucumber and Watermelons growing in pots at home waiting to go in on the plot when the flowers have finished - so for now I just enjoy the gorgeous display when I go up!
Awake early so up to the allotment and open the chickens. Still red mite clusters so more spraying! Took some photos, picked Strawberries and flowers and even threw some legume seeds in the soil in the more orderly half plot and covered them in old raspberry canes to deter mice, birds and cats from digging them up again. I decided my body probably wouldn't thank me later but I would rest easier as I have been stupidly stressing over the fact my speciality, old variety beans were not in. 
Once home, showered and feeling better for it, I checked on Amelia. She has been preparing to shed and would need feeding as soon as she had. The last mouse she had not touched I discovered the night after putting it in, and when I removed it from her cage found maggots crawling round its bum!!! The fly I had seen in the kitchen whilst it defrosted in its bag had obviously got to it - I do not need to go into details as to  how repulsive this was!!! So checked her cage - she had shedded, empty skin, but where was Amelia? I looked, I turned the light on, I looked, I opened the glass front, I looked - how could a six foot snake disappear in its cage? Because the top sliding glass was ajar by an inch as the end of one of the large branches she has to climb up had stopped the door from shutting and she had squeezed her way out and was loose somewhere!!! The thought Fat Cat had found her and decided for once in her life to do something feline and play with it crossed my mind. Before I went into total panic I checked under her favourite hiding place when out - the chair - there she was, all coiled up! I grabbed her very cold body and pulled her out! She lay coiled up on my lap with my hands covering as much of her as I could to warm her. When she began to move I put her in her cage and she went straight to her water bowl! She has now eaten a freshly defrosted mouse and is resting after her adventure!

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