
By Madchickenwoman

Easy to Please

Milly and Tilly? Must be an emergency blip! But give them an open tin of treats and they can't believe their eyes and are beyond happy!
Wish I was.Been a day of phoning, texting, Facebooking, keeping everyone in the loop, discussing the situation,   finding out what was happening with Friend, seeing who was around to give support 24/7 over weekend as the  good news was she can  come home tomorrow!  Bad news is I am shattered, bees are very agitated. Good news is Vegan Jo saw her and she is loads better with 3 IV bags of fluid inside her and meds sorted, so she should be ok with just friends calling in over weekend. But I didn't know this till an hour ago and it's too late for me - I am tired, emotional, my shoulder hurts like hell and I'm not even running on empty. The level of support Friend needs is not sustainable however much we want and try to be there for her,  professional support has to come in at some level as feels as if we don't know enough to help at times.
I hope to continue blipping but to be honest I'm not sure I can. Maybe I just need some sleep. Night. 

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