
Was up and out early this beautiful morning.   The HG was committed to doing a recce for a walk in the Lake District, and the four of them were leaving at 8am.   I had a appointment at the doctor's surgery for 8.30am for my well woman yearly check up, so took advantage of going out with him, and then walking over to the surgery.

Had a new practice nurse, as they have merged two of the practices, and was very impressed with her professionalism and friendliness.  

Anyhow, then treated myself and a friend to a snack at a delicatessen near the surgery, as I had not been able to have breakfast before my tests. 

As I walked home I noticed that the trees are looking gorgeous just now in my local area, and decided to take some photographs to make a collage.

The day is warm and sunny, 21C, (thanks Anne for the correction)  and I have enjoyed being around the house and garden.  Washing out and dried, some food made for the freezer, and some time out on the decking.  What's not to like?

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