A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Up and at 'em

It seems to be important to Albi that every trip to the park is marked by bringing home a big stick. A sort of doggy party (parky?) bag.

I think having a mutt around is helping us all. And on beautiful mornings like this I positively enjoy the early morning walk.

Today I am channeling optimism and open-mindedness about what the day may bring.  And I am going to look for something good in every hour:

6.30am - walked the dog in the sunshine
7.30am - breakfast in the garden
8.30am - took Anna to school
9.30am - double bass string change only took 15mins and nice traffic warden didn't give me a ticket despite me being parked in the wrong place
10.30am - my phone is insured - phew.
11.30am - I made it home in time to watch Belmont's Got Talent auditions which were lovely and distracting
12.30pm - BGT follow-up meeting to agree the acts and plan the running order
1.30pm - Jackson properly laughed at my party/parky bag pun (apparently because it's so bad but anyway...)
2.30pm - Jackson got out and in the car (didn't quite make it into the barbers) but we did have a fun little drive around.
3.30pm - Carlos home
4.30pm - Anna & Rose were very entertaining on the walk to CTA (though I didn't crack and give away BGT secrets)
5.30pm - clothes parcel delivered
6.30pm - J stayed up until 7.15pm which is 15mins later than yesterday
7.30pm - Good weights workout
8.30pm - Dinner
9.30pm - lovely bedtime with Anna and hanging out with Carlos and the pup
10.30pm - boy awake, which isn't good, but what is good is that he is physically and mentally fit and well at the times his body clock thinks is daytime which is considerably better than never feeling fit and well. 

And as odd as it is, it is nice to end the day seeing the real JJ.  So the day hasn't really brought anything new in a good way but things aren't worse either so I'll take it for now. 

Lesley x

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