
By mef13

Green Fingers

I do not pretend to be the horticultural expert in our house, but in a small way I can practice having green fingers.
Today, there is little to show for these geraniums, but hopefully in a few weeks we will see a worthy pink and white welcome to make a magnificent difference to our front porch.
It is probably because they are so colourful that we always pride ourselves in having a brilliant patio and front step display. These plants, we bought at our local supermarket, the same as last year, and we’ll keep our green fingers crossed that they are as rewarding as before.
Last year, we had a mixed choice, those we bought at the same supermarket, and a few more that we bought at a garden centre generally known for the anticipated superiority of its plants.  On that occasion however they proved not to hold a candle to those we obtained from the supermarket.
So it’s supermarket only this year. We have planted a trough with pink and white varieties and are saving the red ones to place on our patio.
Green fingers?  Let’s hope so.

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