Just Hold On

What a morning! First a Bee on a Cosmos flowers, a spent Agapanthus blossom caught in  'FreeFall' (not really, it was hanging by the most thin thread of spider web), and finally a very laid back Brown Anole. All of those shots can be seen in the 'Extra Photos'. Today's blip is of what I believe to be a Regal Darner Dragonfly. (Coryphaeschna ingens). I am very happy with  this photo because dragonflies' eyes are not easy to capture with good detail. I think that might have something to do with the thousands of tiny lenses that make up each eye. They tend to refract the light, somehow, which usually blurs the image of the eye. So, do take a look at Barb's (Walking Wombat) journal and...If you like close-up/macro images, then do yourself a favor and hop on over to TinyTuesday! :)

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