...Groweth young again...

Flower Fairies of the Spring
Cicely Mary Barker, 1923

The World is very old
But every Spring
It groweth young again
And fairies sing.

We have a celebration in June called Hanover Day. Various town organizations have booths, tables and activities to share, and I'm involved in two this year. Our Diversity Committee's theme is "PeaceRocks" with rock decorating activities for children and information for folks about the activities and message of our group. I'll be there in spirit only because my Garden Club activities of the day are more hands on. Another GC member and I, with some promised teen aged helpers, will be laying out natural material for kids to choose and assemble Fairy Houses against trees or rocks on a lovely lawn. We have done it once before and were asked to do it again. It's quiet and lovely, a change up on a busy somewhat carnival like day otherwise.

The little beer flat box display in my blip photo today will be at the Garden Club table. The table will be on the field across the street from the lawn we'll be using for construction. I hate to have models for children, it really stifles their natural creativity, so the advertisement will be far enough away to spark interest but deter copying. I love this quiet activity and hope for a sunny day on June 16th.

For the Record,
This day came in foggy with cool temps. Sun & clouds vying for favor, sun seems to be winning now.

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