The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

An Iconic Bird.

Time to head back to Toronto after our lovely stay ..

I tried for a final time to get a photo of a humming bird - and finally managed though unfortunately it insisted on feeding in the shadows! A ruby throated humming bird.

As I was sitting waiting for him to appear the call went up that the bald eagle was flying past - I kept missing him! So off I trotted and just about managed to get this distant shot before he disappeared over the wood!

We popped into the local town for a mooch and some lunch before hitting the road and I was very taken with this rather eccentric shop front featuring a row of whooper  Tundra swans!

In the evening we went to a concert given by a favourite group of mine - a period instrument orchestra - Tafelmusik. It was lovely to see them live - but it was SO hot in the church they generally give concerts in - I practically melted!

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