Never growing up
Here CarbBoy demonstrates the rule that kids of all ages prefer the packaging (this contained his guitar). Earlier we had had huge fun jumping on the huge bubble wrap.
Garden work this morning until I was way more sweaty than would be permissible for even the lunch time school run, then lunch (sardine salad - far too healthy) and some admin. Last night's lying awake worrying about Sunday brought the revelation that it totally doesn't matter and there is nothing I can do anyway.
And so when (after a post-school trip back up to school to water the garden) I arrived back to see a bunch of my neighbours chatting, I didn't scurry by worried in a paranoid way that they were talking about me, but instead strolled over delivering bonjours and kisses, and was invited for aperos. And have possibly given our unused car to a neighbour who's car just broke down. (It doesn't actually work, but he's quite handy with cars. Let's gloss over how long it took us to find the battery...)
Tomorrow a long hot day at a basketball tournament.
Meanwhile Mr B has been (judging by the monosyllabic emails) entirely broken by a night out with young folk. I think he might actually be happy to spend the week in a dry country...
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