
Handbooks can be very useful - especially when trying to find a way to tell people about a Blipmeet!

This is the front cover of my National Trust Handbook.  I must admit I use the app more than the handbook these days.

So, who's up for a Blipmeet then?  Chantler 63 and I are meeting on Monday 22 June at 12 noon by the outside tables at the Visitor Centre at Stowe Landscape Gardens in Buckinghamshire (MK18 5EQ) and we are hoping that some of you might be able to join us.  You can buy lunch there or bring a picnic then we'll go off to do a bit of gossiping and photography and probably end up with a cup of tea (and maybe a little cake?)

Drop us an email if you think you might like to join us so we know to look out for you.

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