CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Purple Rhododendron

A dull overcast day.

A few weeks ago I registered for our City Library online Audio Book service. I have been listening to a Val McDermid crime novel but, since it was about to run out, I had to spend a couple of hours this morning to try and finish it. It is an interesting way to 'read' a book, although I am not sure yet whether I prefer it to reading a real book. My children are all into Kindle and Audio downloaded books to their iPhones etc. I guess my old ways are not quite set in stone but maybe I am just slow on the uptake of new ways.

This afternoon was my second afternoon with the Listening Service. I have been struck by the seriousness of the situations people have spoken about but I have also been encouraged by how much help they seem to have received in just fifty minutes of being able to talk with an experienced listener. It would be good if more Surgeries and Health Boards took it up as a service.

At home, I saw that our second Rhododendron bush was now in full bloom, which is good since the pink one is now past its best. They do look large but still very delicate. Maybe a pointer to the fact that not everyone who looks strong is as strong on the inside as we might think.

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