Those that know me well, know I have used blip to get my head around things since Munchie has been a month old. It's been there to celebrate the good, get my head around the bad and also be there as the best network of support I have known.
I've just read someone I follows blip for today, it made me cry, it was simply beautiful in the way she has expressed herself during such a hard and difficult time. Yesterday another blipper put out a plea asking if anyone else felt the same way she did at the end of the day, so many of us said yes, but if it was t for blip and recording these events would we know people care people feel the same way?

Anyhow, Munchie was having. Nightmares last night, not good
Wom was awake at 4:30, equally not good.

Both were delightful this morning getting ready for nursery. Both went in pirate costumes for the Barnardos big toddle.

Munch had a blast and has worn her dress all day long. Wom too, had a great day.

We had his review tonight, once again the child they see and document at nursery is the little boy we adore at home. Late getting home because of the review, Wom fell asleep in the car, was woken for bath and milk and then took an age to settle, Munchie fell asleep before him.

Lee cooked tea, we then watched the cricket highlights......

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