Trolley dolly

Horrible night.
Night terror / nightmare for Munchie. Proper howling in her sleep. Sat with her for ages. Got her to settle, then she appeared in our room, no words, just climbed into bed and slept. I didn't have the strength of character to even contemplate moving her, so she stayed.
Wom woke around 5:30 so after feeding him at 1:30 and Munchie being unsettled around 2:00-3:30, then in our bed, not the best nights sleep ever.

Work was work.
Aiming to live by the mantra I work to live, not I live to work.

Two happy children picked up.
Wom settled quickly tonight
Munchie fell asleep in our bed watching cbeebies bedtime story! Carried her to the toilet to do a wee, then into bed and not an utter.

Done three more reports today, slowly getting there. Also got a pike of eBay stuff I need to sort out....

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