Walking Ibiza

A day of lots of walking - things we did today included;
- A walk round a lovely village.
- Turning off the main road and scrambling up a little camino in the woods.
-  Picking wild rosemary to bake in our Camembert tonight.
- Lunch at a gorgeous art café.
- Prayer walking.
- Fro-yo.
- Wandering around the harbour.
- Mooching.
- Hilarity in the supermarket.

After all of that, we came home to hear that Danny's Uncle Paul had passed away....we've been waiting a little while for this news, so sad, but good that his sisters can start grieving now...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Having known Uncle Paul.
2) Making memories with Ju - for my sake as well as Asha's sake!
3) Eating baked Camembert infused with local, hand-picked, rosemary. 

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