
Ju and I got up at 6am to go out for sunrise and an early prayer walk. Such a lovely way to start the day....quiet, fresh, peaceful, still....Back home by half 8, where we cooked poached egg & chorizo for breakfast... Then off to Es Vedra, the magnetic rocks (and supposed tip of the lost civilisation of Atlantis!) and back home for a delicious lunch of grilled chicken and avocado sandwiches. Loooong naps and then the language exchange....and then an amazing belated birthday dinner (thankyou lovingSutton) out at a French restautant in Sa Penya. An absolutely wonderful evening, with delicious food and fantastic company. A successful day!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Seeing sunrise, and seeing Sa Penya first thing in the morning.
2) The luxury of good and delicious food. 
3) How sociable Asha is - lovely to see her chatting to various people tonight.

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