Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Bad hair day....

I bought this plant a couple of weeks ago because I liked how it looked after it finished flowering.  I can't remember what its called but the flowers are like a blue bell.

Walked Misty on the marsh at Port Carlisle this morning and got chatting to the man who made the new signpost which I blipped here a couple of days ago.  He was telling me all about this new venture, it took him two months to make the signpost and the local children enjoy looking at it to see what name is on the sign so they can look it up.  He certainly knows how to tell a story.  He's had lots of people from around the world stopping off at his signpost and when I was there this morning Margate had been replaced by Leicester.   Apparently there are more people walking the Wall from overseas countries than from the UK, interesting!   People can donate what they want and £1 is the norm with one or two people being very generous and its usually the women who want their photo taken, the men aren't that bothered!!

Ooh before I forget the new baby, my great niece, has been named today, she's called Sophie May.

Have got two broken small eggs in the garden which is a real shame.

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