
5years 221days

I have my miss back!!! I got a photo this morning of her playing dress up with her little friend, hair done beautifully ready for ballet. I arrived at dance a bit early as I couldn't wait any longer, though I didn't go in the class at all. They're working hard on a lovely ballet from the nutcracker for the summer show. Today they started learning "beside the seaside" as their song. She was in the main studio showing the principal the ballet so I went to wait outside for her and got huge hugs when she came out. Massssssive hugs.

We went briefly to the shops to print some photos and get an ice lolly before we headed home. She had a play for a while before we made a start on writing up her holiday project. We took a break to go deliver some letters to local residents about a party her school is having. She was super excited to be helping and chatted to everyone we came across as we went.

When we got home, she finished her homework, troughed a huge bowl of pasta and then had a huge "I'm over tired and don't know what to do" meltdown. Turned out that what fixed it and sorted it was piano practice. She sat down, mellowed immediately as she began her warm up and proceeded to play just beautifully. She's working really hard on two new pieces and has come on loads with them. Seeing her grin as she played was lovely.

I took her up to bed not long after. She read to me, I read her new favourite book to her and she fell asleep to "the sleepy song" while cuddled up tight to me. I missed my little buddy so much!!

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