He Knows All the World to Confirm

And so it came to pass, that after driving across France, the 3/4 Cruse contingent came to rest at the Gite.

Papa, was particularly delighted after the driving stress.

Tooli believed that when we were on continental holidays in the past that divorce was a certainty. 

Papa et Mama?  Divorce?  Non.  It was the stress of driving / navigating for an over sensitive driver (papa) which cause the screaming.   Tooli then looked at me and said "no mama, it is you, papa is not doing anything... "

Hmm, So I took a look at myself and tried to reign in the shouting and screaming, for which I am known.  That was almost as stressful.  

Papa, smiled a knowing smile, and patted La Fille on the Bonce.

One thing which does stress Papa out, is toll roads.  This is a stress which began in Florida, and has continued to haunt him in subsequent years.  It matters not a jot where the toll is; you can see the face whiten, the lips tighten, the furrow in his brow as the toll booth comes ever closer.

I had forgotten about it, until we came across the first one -  I looked at Papa's face, and wondered what was wrong?  Had I given him silly directions again?  I glanced at Tooli and she was clapping her hands in glee....  A Toll, A Toll, Will he make it?

In America, the first toll - 50 cents, chuck it in the bin. He missed.  The second toll, missed it too.

France, first toll..... There was a human being there! Yay!!!!  he handed over the money!  "Merci Beaucoup" he responded.  "Yayyyy" we cheered. 

And then the woman gave him his change, which he dropped down the side of his seat.


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