Leave it to the Wind

This day had to be the long waiting day for medical research. To wait before being injected with some hot feeling contrast agent. Being translucent like a firesalamander. And then sliced into pieces by Doctor X-Ray and his Cutting Machine Toshiba. You come out dizzy, gasping and sick in your starving stomack. Would you finally like some espresso after abstaining for more then half a day? Just sit and wait until the intravenous needle is removed and then, with a stiff binded arm you may go for the next appointment. I will not describe what a cardio-doctor does with his echo-machine. But there are moments when the volumebutton of the audioregistration is put on: “this reminds me of the slashing rhythm of the surf I was swimming in yesterday”, I said. But the young doctor whas seriously concentrating on his registration work. Anyhow, I felt glad to hear that the waves of the Great Oceans were streaming through my arteries to keep my heart moving like a deep-sea creature. maybe a Meduse, Seahorse or Octopus.

Once I got my freedom back to leave this immense Medic Labyrinth, I felt the need to leave this Old Universitytown of mine, to pass the places and fields where I used to play as a kid and after train- and lightrailconnexions, to find my bike again and climb up into the dunes. Just to feel the force of the wind. To see the wild play of the surf waves against the sandy beach. And breath in, breath out. To open my spiritual heart to the rhythms of the waves, the clouds, the cosmos.

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