Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Friday flower

A short week but thank goodness its Friday.

Its been a couple of days of running around trying to prevent a domestic crisis.

The washing machine decided it wanted to self destruct - or t least thats what it sounded like. Clearly the bearing wasn't happy and was ejecting bits and redistributing itself when the machine was on its spin cycle. So much so that the last wash had to be abandoned. It has done 8 years hard work so it's not done to bad. That when the hassle started. 

I phoned our usual repair man to ask him to come and replace the faulty bearing, but, and thanks to him being honest, he told us that nowadays the bearings are an integral part of the drum. Consequently, with the part and labour, we'd be better buying a new machine.

So, it was a trawl of websites to find a suitable one at a reasonable price. The one chosen by 'the management' couldn't be obtained from any stores directly - it was available for home delivery only. Fair enough, we started the process of ordering one. The problem was that they quoted delivery of 5 working days. That was taking us up to the latter part of next week, by which time, the dirty laundry mountain will be enormous! Just no good. The hunt for an alternative started early this morning.

At a suitable break, I decided to go into one of the major stores to look at some, but, I decided to ask about the one that had been chosen. It seems that if you go into the store and order a home delivery item there rather than on the internet, you can in fact get next day delivery, not the 5 working days for on-line ordered items. That's something they don't tell you on their website!

Tilly is a happy dog now that her collar has been removed following her op ten days ago. We're all relieved as she was beginning to use it as a weapon - shin and furniture were simply being bashed so she could get past.

This image is from a plat we put in the garden last weekend. I just loved the purple and white contrast.

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