There's little better than turning up at work after a holiday and finding the cleaner in the office and remembering that it's not Monday, it's Tuesday meaning you're already further into the week than you thought.
There's only one direction it could go from that dizzy height. But no, I discovered that the meetings I thought I had next Monday and Tuesday, which require preparation are actually a week further away.
And the wheel building fiasco isn't my stupidity. No. It's the spoke calculating website that has the spokes on the wrong sides. So it's fine now.
But I did drop my train ticket down the side of the seat and then have to fret that the wee man would come and either make me grovelingly confess my clumsiness and/or make me buy another ticket. I might have just bought one anyway and avoided the whole "I'm a ham-fisted dolt" scene. But having made it as far as Inverkeithing I decided to get off (where there's no ticket checking) rather than go all the way to Dunfermline (where tickets are regularly checked). Which meant cycling home into the wind.
And then finding when I got home that I had no key and no one was home so I had to stand at the kitchen window leeching my own wifi waiting for M to come home and then my iPhone died even though it said it had 45% battery left. The bastard.
But tomorrow's Wednesday.
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