Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


..Speckled Bush Cricket.

(I only know because the clever Mollyblobs identified it a couple of years ago - thank you MollyB).

I've become very fond of them and actually look for them in the garden. This little 'hatching' is the first I've seen this year - and not in their usual place. (Who says they have to be creatures of habit anyway?)

I did (honest!) have sharper images today (in the bee dept) but opted for the more unusual offering.

In keeping with the above, I've had an unusual day.
Unsettling... Should I do this...or that...?

I'm going to leave Big Decisions until the morrow.
('For tomorrow, we rise at daybreak...Or sometime before breakfast', to quote Steve Coogan on 'The Trip').

The trouble with Big Decisions, is that no one can really help.
It would be nice to abdicate responsibility, in a way;
to be instructed,
for someone to say:
'it'll be fine.

Wouldn't it?

(But only if it really would be fine :-/)

Is it only Tuesday?

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