Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


...At a nearby Event.
There were many (many) items equally as exciting as these old bicycles.
But nearly all my images had people on them (and having been  photographed (without permission) at an event myself - and I must say, not liking it - I'm now more careful than ever about not invading privacy.
But maybe I'm weird?

Back to blipping on the right day. Hurrah!

Hurrah seems a very Enid Blyton word doesn't it?
(I almost feel I should add we had home-made lemonade and sticky buns at the Event.
But we didn't).
We toyed with the notion of trying some exciting looking Brazilian Dough Ball Things (yes, they had a name. Can I recall it? No.)
By the time we'd stopped dickering and decided we'd take the plunge, the poor (hot) lady who was cooking them had run out.
(THEN, of course, there was nothing we wanted more!)

So we went home and had a cup of tea.

A very genteel (if not quite an Enid Blyton) afternoon.

Happy Bank Holiday to One and All :-)

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