The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Worlds within worlds

A Colin Thompson jigsaw I've almost completed. I like the artist's miniature worlds, and am prepared to put up with kitsch factor because the colours are bright, too. And the puns in the book titles are appalling! My sort of thing.

It was that type of day. We'd planned to go out, but Steve was poorly. We even cancelled our supper invitation. This saddened me because we are antisocial types who only get invited out about once a year, and I've given up gluten AND alcohol, which makes me a right pain in the proverbial.

However, the good weather was but fleeting, and by early evening I was feeling rough, too. I listenend to my audiobook as I puzzled, and then started another audio. Antonia Beamish has to be one of the best (British) narrators I have come across. She could read the Yellow pages with expression, though it would not take her long these days. I once paid for an ad in the Yellow Pages, and was tormented by people ringing and asking for Shiatsu, homeopathy, and everything BUT Bach flower remedies!

In short, today was a very dull Bank Holiday Monday, but I didn't help myself make it any more exciting. I did bake bread in the slow cooker, as an experiment, but as I have an oven, I really don't see the point. I have been trying to revive interest in my slow cooker, but frankly I cannot think of much appealing use for t, apart from making dairy-free coconut rice pudding.

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