The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


These ones are so big I could wear them as bracelets! They're a sort of delicate French biscuit that is made by part-baking blobs of batter, then resting it, then baking again, then draping the set golden batter round a rolling pin, before it hardens and cracks. We're invited for supper tomorrow evening, so I thought I'd give them a try, as something to go with ice cream. Any excuse would have done, as I'd wanted to try them for some time.

We were planning to visit a heritage railway today, but the weather was rainy to begin with, so we postponed, and I footled around at home, then my friend Angela popped round, which was great, as I haven't seen her for months. I did some more baking, and some more of my jigsaw, and listening to my audiobook, but kept getting interrupted in my progress on the latter.

The highlight of my day, apart from the success of the tuiles, was watching Benjamin Britten's opera Peter Grimes, performed on the beach at Aldeburgh, broadcast on BBC4.

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