Collecting the Rest

A fun day out in London for Annie and I. Following our full day of visiting the Shauns in London a few weeks back, today we set out to visit the remaining 14 to complete the full set of 50. There are just a few days to go for them in London. Later in the summer a further 70 will be set out in and around Bristol. That will keep Annie busy!! In case you still don't know what it is all about, check out the full story here. Today's Shaun faces are collected in the extra photo.

We walked a long way. Some areas of central London were closed to traffic this morning due to the BUPA London 10K run. This made getting around near the start finish area of the race slow but great where roads were closed. We particularly enjoyed traffic free Trafalgar Square (see extra photo).

We took the chance to walk aound a few areas of London neither of us had really visited on foot. This included St Johns Wood (including Abbey Road of course), Little Venice and some recent redevelopments in Paddington. The blip was taken in Paddington Basin.

Shame to have to back to work tomorrow!

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