
By tookie

Toad rib-bit....

versus the frog rib-bit...I believe this to be a toad.

Happy Memorial day fellow states blippers.  Happy Monday to all.

We have plodded through a various assortment of major car issues ...then a washer drain backup and then a credit card fraud issue requiring a card cancellation and new issue...ugh Also our one hooligan Sadie has taken to killing baby rabbits and chasing birds at the dog park so she we bought a basket mussel for her to wear on those walks fun for her...but more fun and more life for the wildlife there..
.  For now we are researching better deals on repairing the car,. hoping the washer drain is now ok with after a roter rooter visit and cancelled credit card.  

Hoping to get on to some holiday relaxation by seeing the movie Far From the Madding Crowd this afternoon....We need a break!

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