
2years 225days

This is the girls all playing together this morning. For some reason they insisted on all being in the cot together. Well, its a cool cot. They had lots of fun.

We headed to song time at the library and the girls played with lots of puppets/soft toys during the songs. We learnt a new verse to a couple of our songs too. They enjoyed it a lot, before conking deep asleep for naps afterwards.

When the girlies got up, we took them to see a surprise that had arrived during friday - Lyra and Ellie's new trampoline (which, yes, the parents had safety checked late friday night!). They spent ages playing on it before we went up to their grandparents house for a very yummy lunch. However, it wasnt very long before they were begging to be back out on the trampoline, so off we went before pud. The girls ran round and round and round near the edge. They were soooo chuffed! We did manage to get them back to the house for some pudding, but they had to have a stop at the trampoline on the way home, before they all fairly quickly conked to sleep!

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