Do you wanna know a secret?

Took a chance this morning and let both dogs loose in the garden, hoping Duke (which sounds like Dooki in Portuguese) wouldn't go off hunting. I was busy weeding the herb bed and figured they might stay close.  It worked reasonably well, though he did have to be fetched back when he found a creature to chase - it might have been one of the neighbour's cats, but it seemed to make its escape. Otherwise, bribery worked reasonably well.

HH was having one of his forays into the kitchen, which resulted in some cheese bread and three ginger cakes, all gluten-free. So that was lunch taken care of - delicious. Just before it got dark, we took the dogs up the hill - I think HH needed the exercise more than they did, particularly as he wants to play golf next weekend (first time since his hip replacement). I'm not sure either of us will make it round 18, but we have to try - playing for the Quaich, one of Brazil's oldest golf trophies, if not the oldest. Members of the Rio St Andrew Society  have been playing for it since 1928. There are so few golfing members now that it has been thrown open to members of all the English-speaking societies in Rio.

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