
By Mindseye

Dazzling dancing droplets

What a beautiful day we've had....almost wall to wall blue skies and sunshine :-)

Still felt iffy early on, but pleased to say have got better as the day has gone on. We put up the remaining two trellis panels in the back garden then mowed the lawns, did some watering and edged the paths.

We had dippy eggs and soldiers for lunch.......then I made a chicken curry for dinner, as youngest and his wife are coming to stay over. I also made red onion chutney and mint riata to go with the poppadums :-)

I took a few shots in the garden this afternoon...lots of flowers opening day by day now....but because the sun was shining through the water fountain I really quite liked this shot :-)

We watched BGT and then turned over to watch the remainder of Eurovision......well done Sweden :-)

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