Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren

Soldier Beetle

Everyone with a garden has seen a soldier beetle hunting on their flowers. I'm assuming this is, Cantharus rustica, but that's just a very quick ID and I may be wrong. They love to roam on the heads of umbelliferous plants. 

I have had my first real go at the garden today.  Most of the vegetable patch is cleared and if the wind and the rain stay away as promised, it should be ready for some of my seedlings by the end of tomorrow.  I've never been so late in preparing the beds.  

Celery I left to go to seed a couple of years ago had seeded itself all over and with the mild winter has grown like a weed.  I pulled up a mountain of it and this evening I'm heading off to work with a tum full of celery soup.  There's still masses left to keep me going until this years seedlings grow enough to use.  

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