Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Farmhouse View

New batch of milk powder arrived this morning it was touch and go as it was meant to come yesterday but the driver must have run out of travel hours to get it to us, so much relief this morning when he phoned to arrange to meet as we were out of milk powder. I had just phoned a local farmer to take a wee bit from his bag. The wee calf is taking his milk very slowly but after having it on and off so much it seemed to be hurting his tum. Phoned the vet for advice but she wasn't greatly helpful and said to keep going as we were with little and often. She said to try him with some lectade for a few feeds to calm his stomach and rehydrate him, luckily I had some of this (its an electrolyte type stuff very good for sick animals that wont eat etc so tend to have some in the first aid cupboard.) Will give him some of that in a bit. Along with the milk powder I had ordered some special calf feed as well so that will be good for Mhairi and him when he eventually gets to that stage.

Had sad news of friend of the family passing away today. She had been ill for some time but it has fair knocked me for six this afternoon and my head is full of thoughts for Lena may she rest in peace. I haven't seen her for many years and only saw her once a year when the family came to holiday here. The dogs know im a little off and im getting cuddles from each in turn.

On the positive side the young cattle have not escaped so the new fence is working so far!

10c 5mph NW heavy rain overnight, blue sky in the morning then clouding over to rain in the late afternoon.

Extra photo of Mhairi kissing the pet lambs

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