To See New Englandly

By distractedhausfrau

Holy Lego Bricks, Batman!

The local Lego store is holding a contest for customers to guess how many bricks were used to make this 6-foot (200 cm to the rest of the world) Batman figure. I of course knocked on his chest to see if he was hollow ;). He was. Not that my arbitrary guess of 52,167 bricks would've changed. And not that I have much use for the prize of one Batman Lego Kit.

The sales people told me that there are only a couple of these giant Lego Batmen floating around. Apparently someone in Connecticut got paid to design and put this together. What a job, huh?

Here's another view of him.

Edit: I changed it from this.

Thanks to everyone who commented on yesterday's blip. When I looked at it again today, I was happy with it after all -- even with the rogue branch. :)

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