Walk home

5years 210days

She came out of school in a delightful mood today. She hadn't had a notably good day, but still was just gorgeous. She asked to choose fruit from the greengrocers, then I have her a little posey I had made her on the way to get her. She was so thrilled and then spent the journey home making one for me. And skipping. She asked to play on the field together and we chased & giggled in the sun. She picked up a huge armful of freshly mown grass, saying she wanted to take it for the bunnies. She gave them this and then hand fed them dandelions. She changed into jammies and watered the grass with the hose pipe. She was just happy and delightful. It's unusual for is to be alone on a Tuesday so I said we could cuddle with a film. That's where we both fell asleep.

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