Thor's day
Day 1 - a work day. Long-neglected DIY tasks were taken in hand and substantial progress made. First the toy box / window seat in the sitting room - the framing and panelling of the open bit of wall in the alcove. Half done. The bit where there was previously shutters is still without shutters. Since the wall was damp-proofed, insulated and framed out for a new wall, the shutters are much too small for the space. I either need to make new shutters or make a frame to take the old shutters. That's the sort of decision that could take years.
Next, upstairs to the attic where reclaimed (free!) white oak flooring has been sitting for months waiting for me to drag the compressor from the garage and set about laying and nailing the wood to the floor. Quite nicely done, if I say so. To sand and oil on Wednesday.
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