
..I keep going on about pottering in the tunnel, well here it is..

The beds around the outside are 2 feet wide, and there are four 4 foot x 4 foot beds on either side of the central path.
Left side:
Sweetcorn, mustards (these have been harvested several times and will be cleared soon), runner beans with Pak Choi interplanted, and Sweetcorn at the far end. The 4 foot beds have Tomatoes with Pak Choi inter-planted, a tray with Oca in pots, Tomatoes with Mibuna and a salad mix inter-planted, a tray with courgettes in pots, Tomatoes with Pak Choi inter-planted, a tray with courgettes in pots, and a bed with Pak Choi.
Right side
Sweetcorn, cucumbers with lettuce inter-planted and the net for them to climb up, and more sweetcorn at the far end.
The 4 foot beds have a tray of seedlings in cells, tomatoes with red mustard and mizuna inter-planted, a tray of courgettes in pots, a bed of pak choi, another tray of courgettes, a bed of pak choi (half harvested), a tray of pumpkins and butternut squash, a bed of tomatoes with mixed salad inter-cropping, and a tray of courgettes.
There are two towers of three raised troughs of strawberries with fruit forming, and the hanging pots are planted mainly with tomatoes, with some strawberries, and nasturtiums.

Pak choi is one of those crops that grows quickly, and the different plantings will give a succession of harvests. The salads are also a quick growing crop which I'll harvest a couple of times and then clear the beds just leaving the tomatoes..

A nice day, but with a cold wind. Helped A with his tunnel again and we now have all the metal work up. Just the base rails and door ends to do now, and fit the poly sheet.

Delivered some eggs, and then took Tanni for a quick walk up the new footpath to the viewpoint overlooking the village. It started raining at the top! And we've just had a torrential downpour, but the sun's out again now..

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