Crow...Baby Crow

One great thing about looking like a tourist with your camera around your that people ask you to take their picture.

An older couple approached me on the bridge, and she asked..."We met in this area many years ago right here by the river. Do you think you could take our picture?"

Of course I would. One problem. She just had her camera. I HATE CAMERA PHONES! She fixed it all up, and I pushed the button...taking the phone from the camera back to the option screen. OOPS! I tried again...this time pushing the right button.

I then talked them into letting me take a few shots, and e-mailing them the pictures. They were a handsome couple...photographing nicely. They were on their way to play a round of golf at one of our local courses. Maybe I should have followed them to the course, and tried to photograph their fist pumps.

They posed on the gazebo right after this baby crow posed. On my flickr page...there are a few more shots of the crow, and some other birds that were at the river.

I'm thinking about getting one of those signs that go over your head, with displays in both the front and the back. YES...I WILL BE HAPPY TO TAKE YOUR PICTURE. JUST ASK!!!

Click on LARGE to see old gray-eye. And...please correct me if you don't think it's a crow.

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