The Joy Of Photography

I've written a lot about Ron, Tess's Dad, in the last few months and mentioned how he used to be a very good photographer in his younger days, with his own dark room.

Since his dementia has got worse, he has found it difficult to remember how to use a camera but last week we took his little point and shoot camera in, hoping it would rekindle his interest.

This afternoon it was the Summer Fair at the care home where he now lives and he spent a happy two hours taking shots of the stalls and the band and choir who were performing for the residents and visitors.

For me, this shot encapsulates the joy that photography can give and it was heartwarming to see the smile on his face as, at the age of 87, he rediscovered the pleasure of taking photos.

As an extra, I've added a shot of two of the wonderful carers at the home who dressed as clowns for the afternoon. This shot just sums up the cheerful attitude that they and the rest of their colleagues bring unfailingly to what is a most difficult job.

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