This might just be the cause of the problem!!

The outside light wasn’t working, so we got a new one in case it needed replacing. B discovered that not only was this wire loose, but there was another loose at the switch end. All sorted now, so we can take the new light back and get a refund.

Painted another room today, my study / workroom!! Only needed one coat as it was in reasonably good condition.

It was a beautiful sunny day and the wind had dropped, so I spent some time in the garden this afternoon. Many of the trees and bushes have a variety of bugs / diseases. I best guessed what was required and sprayed them.

Next time we are back I will seek some advice from the garden centre, if they don’t look to be responding to my treatment. I’ve done this before and taken a sample leaf in a sealed plastic bag (no spreading of diseases or bugs) and they are happy to tell you what it is and sell you a treatment :0)

Whilst I was in the garden we had a mini display from the Red Arrows (extra photo). It’s hard to tell where they are coming from and they have gone before you can get the camera pointing in the right direction!!! They  were looping round back towards Scampton. Not the best picture, but the first and with time and patience I will improve!!!

I love to watch them in flight. We lived at RAF Scampton when first married, a long time ago, so many happy memories :0)

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